What is Gentle Restorative Tantra?

‘We do practices to clear the channels and open the Chakras…giving us experiences of bliss, clarity, stability, peace and comfort.

When the energy is moving smoothly in our bodies and the chakras are open, everything functions better in us and in our experience.’ 

-Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Healing with Form, Energy and Light.
A silhouette of a person with the coloured chakra system shown on the figure

One of the great gifts of Eastern traditions such as yoga, acupuncture and Tantra, is the knowledge of how to care for your energy system, the subtle energy that flows through your meridians and chakras.

In daily life there are many things you can do to enhance and strengthen this flow of energy and many other things you may unknowingly do that inhibit it. 

In times of stress and intensity, Restorative Tantric Breath, Sound and Movement practices can help with:

  • Connecting to your body and energy flow in a positive way 
  • Releasing stress, tension and shock
  • Grounding and  calming the nervous system
  • Restoring a sense of internal balance and alignment 
  • Creating connection to self and others
A man in a forest takes a deep relaxing breath with his eyes closed

In Western culture this subtle energy, also called Chi or Prana, is not generally acknowledged and we aren’t taught these skills.

Prana flows through your body in channels. A Chakra is a location in your body at which many channels cross, forming an energy centre.

Cultivating and strengthening your energy flow increases physical health and vitality, opens you to expanded states of consciousness and increases your vibratory rate and your light.

Each Chakra, or energy centre, relates to a different theme, such as survival, creativity, identity, emotion, and also relates to different organs and body systems.

By directly connecting with, breathing into, opening and energising each chakra, you can learn a great deal about yourself and move tremendous amounts of energy.

As you continue to practice, you can clear past blockages, release stuck energy and experience deep personal healing, grounding and re-balancing.

Gentle Restorative Tantra Classes:

A woman uses her breath to relax and open her heart, Tantric Breathing

Learning the practices together in a class, in an atmosphere of safety, nourishment and connection, provides another restorative element.

In a class you can experience authentic, meaningful human connection and the healing power of community, so essential to well-being. 

Once learned, the practices will continue to benefit you as you work with them at home.


Gentle Restorative Tantra Class:

Dates and Times:

No dates currently scheduled. Please contact us to register your interest, or join the mailing list to receive notifications of all upcoming events.

Image of Martina Duel, relationship and intimacy Counselor and workshop presenter Byron Bay

Author: Martina Duel Dip Couns, BScPT is a Counsellor and Workshop facilitator with a life-long curiosity and passion for understanding and healing the wounds between the sexes and creating healthy, joyous relationships.

Martina consistently delivers refreshing new points of view on all aspects of love, intimacy and human connection.