Foundational Tantra Principles, Unlock Deeper Levels of Connection and Bliss

4 Week Foundational Tantric Principles Program

This program combines Ancient Tantric Principles with modern relationship wisdom to provide powerful self-healing and relationship tools.  

Learn about:

  • Deepening Presence and Connection
  • The Power of Breath and Sound
  • Embodiment, Energy Flow, Chakras
  • Polarity, Active /Receptive /Responsive Energies,

in an atmosphere of openness, compassion and safety.

Two people sit eye gazing in a candle lit bedroom

You will leave this program confidant to do your own powerful and effective solo and/or couples Tantric practice at home, the beginning of a magical and transformational journey.

The Program:

Week 1: Deepening Presence and Connection

Presence is the doorway to aliveness, connection and fully experiencing each moment. 

With emotional, physical and energetic presence, you experience deep heart merging and exquisite subtle energy exchange. 

How do you get out of your habitual relationship ruts and move into deep presence with one another? Find out what strengthens presence and connection and what gets in the way. 

Learn step by step practices and processes beginning with self-connection, moving into alignment and deep harmony with your partner.

Week 2: The Power of Breath and Sound

Tantric Breathing Practices soothe your nervous system and release toxicity. 

They can also be used to deepen connection with your partner and ignite and fan your inner fire for whole bodied vitality and passion.

Sound, tone of voice, inflection and other ‘non-word’ sounds you make contribute 40% of your communication! Sound is a powerful communicator with your partner. It can open up and energise your connection, communicating directly with body intelligence.

You will learn Tantric sounding to activate and clear the Throat Chakra, freeing your authentic voice and self expression.

Week 3: Embodiment, Energy Flow, Chakras

Learn to live deeply, pleasurably anchored in your natural body sensations, vitality and wisdom. 

Working with your body’s energy centres, the Chakras, increases connection to your body. Running energy through the Chakras releases old blocks, increases vitality and opens up new levels of awareness.

Partnered Chakra breathing practices create deep, potent and ecstatic energy flow and exchange, giving rise to expanded states of consciousness and bliss.

Week 4: Polarity, Active/ Receptive Energies

You both give and receive, in your dance with yourself, life and others. 

Understanding these principles allows you to deliberately create and play with polarity, the electric charge between you and your partner. 

Learning to consciously give, receive and respond, takes you out of the neutral zone, enlivening your connection and creating mystery and excitement.

This program is designed to build knowledge and deepen experience over the 4 weeks. You will gain the most benefit if you attend all 4, however, there are some limited tickets available for attendance at individual evenings.

Details: No dates currently scheduled

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