Restorative Tantra for clarity, grounding and peace

Learn to use breath, sound and movement practices for self healing and re-balancing in this Gentle Restorative Tantra Class.

This is a beautiful introduction to Tantra. The practices bring about a deeper connection to self, and physical and emotional rebalancing.

The class sizes are kept small and the focus is on healing, in an atmosphere of openness, compassion and safety.

What Restorative Tantra Offers

Tantric breath, sound and movement practices clear the body’s energy channels and open the chakras (energy centres). This allows stuck energy to move, resulting in greater clarity, stability, peace and comfort. 

In the current challenging and rapidly changing times, the practices support:

  • Internal balance and alignment 
  • Grounding and calming the mind
  • Connecting to your body and energy flow in a positive way
  • Creating connection to self and others
  • Releasing stress and tension
A man in a forest practices deep restorative tantra breathing with his eyes closed

This practice evening is guided by ancient Tantric principles combined with contemporary Counselling wisdom.

You will learn several Tantric breath, sound and movement practices, learn how move energy through your body, and experience a guided journey through your Chakras (energy centres). 

The exact practices taught will vary from one event to another, and are designed to progress over time.

The focus in these classes is on self-connection and healing. By doing this, you will also be learning learning foundational Tantric skills you can later apply to partner practices.

The group sizes are kept small, therefore providing the opportunity for you to ask questions and receive individualised attention.

You will leave the class with a clear understanding of how to subsequently use these Tantric practices for connection, growth and healing in your life.


All events completed, no future dates set at this time

General information:

At these events, practices are done clothed, either solo or with a partner, and are powerful for adults of all ages, genders and relationship types.

Pre-booking is essential as there will be no door sales and spaces are strictly limited due to venue size.

For your health and comfort, a high quality air filtrations system will be in use.

Your Facilitator:

Martina Duel Dip Couns, BScPT is a Counsellor and Workshop facilitator with a life-long curiosity and passion for healing past wounds and learning the skills that create healthy, joyous relationships.

Martina consistently delivers refreshing new points of view on all aspects of love, intimacy and human connection.

Image of Martina Duel, relationship and intimacy Counselor and workshop presenter Byron Bay

4-week beginner’s program

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What is Gentle Restorative Tantra