About Martina

“Martina is a passionate promoter of loving, connected relationships, a teacher of real-life love skills that work.”

Martina Duel Dip Couns, BScPT is the creator and facilitator of The Lovers Journey™, Programs, Workshops and Private Sessions. 

She is a qualified Counsellor with a lifelong curiosity and passion for understanding and healing the wounds between the sexes and supporting relationships that fulfil their joyous creative potential.

Since 2004 Martina has facilitated women’s and mixed gender workshops and groups in the Byron Bay area.

Martina is a Mother of three grown children, a former Buddhist practitioner, now involved in Shamanic studies, she brings much life experience and a rare degree of compassion, integration and insight into her work.

Image of Martina Duel, Counsellor and workshop presenter Byron Bay

The Lovers Journey™ Mission: The quality of relationships affects every area of your life.
Our mission is to support you to fulfil your natural desire for genuine, harmonious, loving relationships. We provide the tools and support needed to do the inner work to open your heart to love, and to understand and successfully navigate the changing needs through all the stages of dating and relationships.
The Lovers Journey promotes an emotionally healthy culture through being a trusted source of quality information, education and programs. We envision a world where deep connection and belonging are a reality for everyone, with safety and respect for people of all ages, genders and relationship structures.